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Nerve Damage

Accident Lawyers Serving Clients with Nerve Damage in Salt Lake City, Utah

So many car crashes and pedestrian accidents in and around Salt Lake City are devastating. When another driver is distracted or behaving in an aggressive way, a serious collision can happen that can result in debilitating injuries such as permanent nerve damage. At Christensen & Hymas, we know that sustaining an injury in which your peripheral nerves are damaged can have devastating consequences. We often work with clients who are unable to return to work ever again, and who struggle on a daily basis to pay for medical care.

If another party’s negligence caused your injuries, you should not have to worry about the costs to you and your family. We know how challenging this time can be for you. Although it can be difficult to think about filing a lawsuit when you are facing extensive medical treatments, it is important to speak with a Salt Lake car accident lawyer to learn more about obtaining compensation. An advocate at our firm can answer any questions you might have today.

What is Nerve Damage?

What is nerve damage, and what does it mean to sustain nerve damage in an accident? When we read medical information about nerve damage or speak with a healthcare provider, it can be complicated to understand exactly what these injuries entail and how they are likely to impact long-term health. When you sustain nerve damage in a serious auto accident, the type of nerve damage you are likely to sustain is known as a “peripheral nerve injury,” according to the Mayo Clinic. Peripheral nerves are those that “link between your brain and spinal cord and the rest of your body.” As the Mayo Clinic emphasizes, “peripheral nerves are fragile and easily damaged.”

When you sustain an injury to peripheral nerves, it can change the way your brain communicates with other parts of the body, such as your organs or your muscles. When peripheral nerves are damaged, the patient typically is said to have a condition called peripheral neuropathy.

Understanding How Nerve Damage Happens

How often does nerve damage happen as a result of a serious car accident in Salt Lake City? The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke predicts that about 20 million Americans currently suffer from some form of peripheral neuropathy. In most cases, physical injury is one of the most common reasons that a person can suffer peripheral neuropathy. Injury or trauma that leads to peripheral neuropathy most often happens as a result of one of the following:

  • Car accidents;
  • Falls;
  • Sports-related accidents; and
  • Surgical mistakes.

Auto accidents that lead to nerve damage may not immediately seem like serious collisions, but the severity of your injuries can become obvious over time. If you were involved in a traffic collision in or around Salt Lake City, it is extremely important to see a healthcare provider. The Mayo Clinic provides some helpful information about nerve injury treatments, which can include:

  • Resting the area of injury;
  • Surgical repair;
  • Regular doctor’s visits to monitor recovery;
  • Medications;
  • Use of electrical stimulation;
  • Wearing braces or splits;
  • Corticosteroid injections;
  • Certain exercises; and
  • Physical therapy.

How Much Time Do I Have to File a Nerve Damage Claim?

After you suffer a serious injury that results in nerve damage, it can feel difficult and sometimes even impossible to think about the legal aspects of your injury with the high costs of medical care. However, the sooner you speak with a Utah nerve damage lawyer, the sooner we can get started on your case. In addition, it is important for injured Utah residents to know that the state’s statute of limitations sets a specific amount of time for filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Under Utah law, injury victims have four years within the date of the injury to file a claim for compensation. If you fail to file a lawsuit within that four-year period, you may give up your right to recover from the responsible party.

Contact a Nerve Damage Attorney in Salt Lake City, Utah

At Christensen & Hymas, we know that auto accidents result in such devastating injuries. Given the seriousness of injuries that cause nerve damage, injury victims often cannot return to work. We know that lost wages can be overwhelming to families, especially when there is no clear hope of recovery. As such, it is extremely important to discuss your options for obtaining compensation with a Salt Lake nerve damage attorney. A dedicated advocate at our firm can help you to seek the compensation you deserve. Contact Christensen & Hymas today for more information.

Kenneth L. Christensen


D. Russell Hymas


Jake Lee
